The complex I live in has been slightly beautified over the last year or so (think property values etc.), and finally, this week, the guys doing the work on the common areas got around to redoing the flower beds in front of my place.

The state of affairs in 2005: the lillypilly bushes/trees had just started growing.

 plants front plants front2

By 2008 the two trees were above the gutters and I had to cut them back frequently. On occasion of the rework, the guys dozed everything (which may have been a good thing; the lillypilly have an agressive root-system and I was advised that it's not a good idea to have them so close to the house. So I relocated the two trees to the hilly back yard; maybe they'll even survive that.)

Here are some pictures of how it looked like today after the gravel was filled in on top of the stuff I had planted last week.

 new flowerbed and edging new flowerbed and edging new flowerbed and edging new flowerbed and edging replanted stuff re new flowerbed
[ published on Tue 13.05.2008 23:43 | filed in interests/au | ]
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© Alexander Zangerl